Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month is coming to a close!

Want to be a Superhero? You can save the day for a homeless dog - and find a faithful companion who will be at your side for all of life's adventures - by adopting a dog during Adopt a Shelter Dog Month in October. It's the perfect time to visit the shelter, meet potential sidekicks and discover how much fun and happiness a dog can add to your life. During Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, we will also be including a free leash and collar combo with each dog adoption. Diego, pictured to the right, is just one of the fabulous dogs available.

Don't forget, we are also running our Second Annual Adopt Me, Adopt My Shadow for Free Cat Adoption Drive until the end of October. If a canine companion doesn't suit your lifestyle, try being a hero for a shelter cat (or two).