Thursday, October 13, 2011

Puddles Chapter 2

Hey everyone, Puddles again. I've got more of my story for you.

As I was saying, I came into the shelter waayyy back in March. After I had my kittens, I got very skinny. I was dewormed, and had lots of food, but still I was so small. I was such a good momma, giving everything I could to my sweet kittens. Then my poop started to get runny. The girls at the shelter decided to have my poop tested, and it came back positive for a parasite called Coccidia that normal dewormer does not kill.

Well, that made everyone at the shelter happy! A quick diagnosis, and something that was fairly easy to treat. I went on medication right away. Ask any of the girls, I was the easiest cat to give medication too! I just purred the whole time. I am pretty fabulous, if I do say so myself.

Things we back on track. My babies were getting bigger, and I was doing well too. I was quickly becoming a favorite amoung the staff. Soon my babies would be weaned, and I would be able to go up for adoption. But more mrdical trouble was in my future.

Check back soon for more of my story.

Love Puddles, a shelter cat