Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where's my ball?

Hey, it's Willa here! I told Minnie she needed to give someone else a chance to speak their mind. That Minnie, she's such an attention hog!

As I said my name is Willa. I have some extra time to chat right now, because my ball is missing. Have you seen it? Seriously, if you know where my ball is, please let me know.

Anyway, I am a Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix. And if you can guess what I am mixed with, you win the prize! Basically I am an All-Canadian Mutt. That does not make me any less special. Ohhh, was that my ball?!?! Oh, nope. Sorry, I got distracted.

I am here to disprove the myth that "Bully" breeds (Pit Bull Terriers, Staffies, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, etc) are mean, nasty, and aggressive. I am 100% about the love. And playing with balls. Did I mention I LOVE my ball?

Ooops, off topic again. Well, my point is that I am a lovely girl, who adores kids. Here is a picture to prove it! So please do not right any dog off based on their breed. You might miss out on knowing a lovely girl like me, or my good friend Minnie.

Ah ha! I spotted my ball, so I've gotta go! Hope to chat with you soon,
Kisses from Willa.

P.S. here is a picture of me with my best friend, BALL!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My personal ad!

Hey folks, its your favorite SPCA doggie, Minnie, checking in again! I just received a copy of my very own personal ad, going in my local paper tomorrow. Check it out:


Cross your fingers, toes, or paws for me! Hopefully my perfect match will see me and rush to my side.

Until next time,
Bully kisses from Skinny Minnie.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Minnie Moo speaks out

Well, its been 376 days since I came into this shelter as a stray. What is wrong with the people in my community? I mean, can't they see what a beautiful diva I am? Hmmm, must work a little on being more humble...

Anyway, the staff here are wonderful. I will admit they keep me feed, watered, clothed in warm sweaters (us Bully breeds get cold in Canadian winters, it does not make us wusses), and provide my special hypo-allergenic treats. Yes, besides being a hard-to-adopt breed ( I am a Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Boxer mix), I also need special ear medication and fancy treats to keep me healthy.

That doesn't make me high maintenance, does it? Whatever, I thought boys liked that. I could work on being a little more down-to-earth, I guess...its just hard, when all my human friends at the shelter tell me how wonderful and special I am!

Hopefully my time here at the Lloydminster & District SPCA is coming to an end. I am publishing a "personal" ad in my local newspaper on Thursday, and I am hoping to get loads of responces. Wish me luck!

Love Minnie Moo