Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Hey all! It's Minnie again, taking over the writing reins for this blog. Where did ball-crazy Willa go? Well, that little gal got adopted! The shelter staff was very happy with her placement, hopefully Willa will have many happy years with her new family.

So I have a bit of a bone to pick with you all. Willa got so much praise about her blog, people kept saying how "funny" and "cute" she is. Really?!?! She was sort of ball obssessed, don't ya think? Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that I can be VERY funny, and I am always cute as can be. Check out this great picture of me playing with my toy, what could be sillier than that?

What else has been happening in my life at the shelter? Well, that's ANOTHER funny story. Thursday I was hanging out in the office. You know, helping the girls do computer work by sitting in their laps, and spilling water on the floor to help clean. I am super-helpful. Anyway, a little kitten ran by me, and hissed and spit at me. I was so not impressed, and we now know I definitely need a home with no kitties. See, a true diva likes to be the only pet, that way I can get more love.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you all have a great weekend planned. My goal is to keep my beautiful body out of all the rain. Any doggie that likes rain is just silly!

Love to you all, Minnie.

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