Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project

The Lloydminster & District SPCA has signed up for the Pepsi Refresh Project, which gives grants to individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations with ideas that will have a positive impact on communities. Our shelter is in the running to receive $100,000, which would go towards funding our new SPCA home. This grant works on DAILY VOTES, so we are asking all our members to bookmark the address, and vote for our shelter every day. Voting started on September 1, and runs until October 31. You can actually vote for up to 10 of your favorite ideas every single day.

Go to this address to start voting:

Pepsi Refresh Project - Vote for the SPCA!

Don't forget to bookmark this link and go back DAILY to place your vote.

Need a reason to vote? Check out the shelter pictures below.

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