Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where's my ball?

Hey, it's Willa here! I told Minnie she needed to give someone else a chance to speak their mind. That Minnie, she's such an attention hog!

As I said my name is Willa. I have some extra time to chat right now, because my ball is missing. Have you seen it? Seriously, if you know where my ball is, please let me know.

Anyway, I am a Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix. And if you can guess what I am mixed with, you win the prize! Basically I am an All-Canadian Mutt. That does not make me any less special. Ohhh, was that my ball?!?! Oh, nope. Sorry, I got distracted.

I am here to disprove the myth that "Bully" breeds (Pit Bull Terriers, Staffies, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, etc) are mean, nasty, and aggressive. I am 100% about the love. And playing with balls. Did I mention I LOVE my ball?

Ooops, off topic again. Well, my point is that I am a lovely girl, who adores kids. Here is a picture to prove it! So please do not right any dog off based on their breed. You might miss out on knowing a lovely girl like me, or my good friend Minnie.

Ah ha! I spotted my ball, so I've gotta go! Hope to chat with you soon,
Kisses from Willa.

P.S. here is a picture of me with my best friend, BALL!

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