Monday, February 2, 2009

Important Spring Reminder to Save Lives

Hey folks. I'm Wyatt, a handsome orange boy who's been at the SPCA since March 2008! That's right, my one year Anniversary at the shelter is sneaking up, so I'm on a mission to find a new home before then.

What else has been happening around the shelter? Well, we've been very successful with adoptions lately! During the cold months, we always see in increase in stray pets. Thankfully the people in and around Lloydminster care about those poor cold animals, and bring them to the SPCA for some warmth, love, and a full belly! Anyway, we are very lucky that adoptions have kept up with the steady stream of incoming animals, and some of our long time residents have even found new homes. Now it is my turn!

The next big thing the staff has to prepare for is spring, when we start seeing unwanted pregnant cats and litters of kittens. This always puts a strain on the shelter, as numbers of cats suddenly swell, and there are not enough homes for everyone. It also means that cute kittens find new homes fast, and some of us oldies but goodies end up hanging around for quite a while. We have even have kittens born in the shelter, who are still awaiting homes a year later.

Of course, the answer to this problem is so simple! Please everyone, spay and neuter your pets! I myself have undergone the operation, and I am definitely no less of a man. In fact, I am sweeter and more loving than ever, just what most ladies are looking for. A real cuddler, who always has time to listen to your problems. And this is true for all pets - we are just happier and healthier once we are spayed are neutered.So do it for your pet's health, as well as for the thousands of pets our shelter needs to re-home every year.

Thanks for all your ongoing support and generosity! Don't forget to come and meet me, I would love to have a new home by March.
Love Wyatt.

spay neuter Pictures, Images and Photos

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